Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Being slightly slacky today, I just happened to have a conversation in IM with a colleague, who's gonna leave the company soon. Before that I thought that he quited just because of a simple reason, he is bored of his job. But after this chat session, he led me into a deep thought. He is one such dauntless guy, who is brave enough to make the decision that he thinks is right. We all know that the job we are doing isn't suitable and lead to nowhere, and is far from what we really want. But, I chose to bear with it, as I really don't have the courage to take any risk. I can't afford to leave this multinational company which has about 91,000 employees worldwide, to seek for what I always wanted.

"I don't have to care what others are thinking. I am responsible on my own life. If someone doesn't agree with what you are doing, it doesn't mean that you are wrong, it's just that they don't understand what you are doing."

This guy who's one year younger than me, he can think even wiser. But yet, I can't make any decision yet. Maybe after today I am one step closer to my dream, and I become more certain on what I want, but it's still not the time yet. Though, all the politics, back-stabbers, kiasu people, I have had enough. For now, I just hope that those that care for me can understand and appreciate what I am doing, and know how hard I am struggling, wishing to reach the right bank.

When I am on the right track, that's gonna be the beginning of the new stage of my life.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

So far this year I have been:

  • very good all of the time.
  • good most of the time.
  • good a lot of the time.
  • well, not very good lately.

I am a lot older this year. When you select my gifts, please remember I am:

  • 4 or younger
  • 5-10
  • 11-15
  • 16-20
  • 20 and above but still a kid at heart.

Here is what I wanted most. Please do your best!


Here are some MORE things I want. Do your best, Santa!

  • less temper
  • considerate
  • adorable
  • smiles from him

I want to tell you what I am doing, or thinking.

  • I always try to be cheerful, but I can't when I am disappointed.
  • When I don't talk, I hope someone can actually start the conversation and break the ice.
  • I know I am very irritating when I am angry, I don't like it either.
  • Instant noodles taste good, but not when I am eating alone.
  • Home alone is scary.

Thanks Santa. I promise to be a good girl next year and not hurting anyone I love.

Bye bye.

