Sunday, June 11, 2006

Monday, April 24, 2006

朋友 Friends forever

不知最近得罪那個小人, 蠻倒楣的. 一個星期內車子坏了兩次, 而且是停在路旁, 只是幸好沒有阻礙到交通. 更加幸好的是, 我有一群很好的朋友, 再我最需要幫助時給予我幫助, 特別要在這邊感謝他們...

谭偉倫 - 感謝你一大早載我到處找汽車維修店.
沈子逸 - 感謝你幫我汽車充電.
劉坊坊 - 感謝你載我去汽車維修店.
徐榮興 - 感謝你幫我在雨中推車.

如果沒有你, 車子怎麼走...
如果沒有遇見你, 我的車子沒人理...

最後, 更重要的是要感謝我自己, 因為...我平時對人太好了,說一到處有人幫. 你們應該不會是應為我長得好看而幫我吧?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Work work work

The day started with a miserable meeting with the US engineers. Just happened that the audio conference bridge wasn't working (which is rare) and on and off we were connected, then disconnected, back and forth. After dragging about 40 minutes, 5 of us were finally on the bridge, but I could barely hear the cross-site engineers. That didn't bother me much, as my project lead recorded all the ARs (Action-Requireds) and soon I was flooded with tons of work. I have no time for breakfast, no time to clean my mail box (and mails keep coming in), I haven't write my weekly report, and I was given even more works. I definitely understand that I was not paid to shake my legs and browse the net in the office. But I too miss my old 'profession' as a barista at a renowned coffee place. Reminiscing the days when I can meet all sorts of people behind the till, the exchanging of F&B knowledges over a cup of coffee, the inhale of the first batch of coffee aroma in the Colombia Shuttle, how I wish I can turn back the time. In this half a year time, I finally learnt that I am better in the service profession. The sad thing is, this company isn't paying enough for my qualification, and my mum had been nagging me to find a 'better' job (still depends on how to define the word 'better'), and I finally realised I couldn't hurt my parents that way any longer.
I wish I can be a chef all my life. I love cooking, I love to discuss food with my peers, I go internet (often) to hunt recipes for my own compilation, and I even cut out recipes from the papers and stick on my notebook. I have all the essential elements; passion, enthusiasm, interest.. just lack of a tinge of courage. I mentioned to my mum before, that I wish that I can take F&B as my profession in the future. The response that I got is an unfortunate negative. But do you know that Mother, that's what I am really looking forward?

Went to the nearby petshop with Beng the other day and saw a extremely cute toy poodle pup. 4 months old and extremely quiet for a pup, especially its species. He stared at me a lot and licked my fingers when i reached him (the shop owner warned me not to do that again). Such a cute thing, but I can't afford to bring him back at the moment. I did consider to own him, but I am afraid he will suffer after that cause I don't have much time to take good care of him. It was difficult to say goodbye, he watched me off. When I pass by the petshop everyday on my way back home, I remember his pair of eyes.

Had some arguments with a colleague lately and I think he spends too much of his time complaining and blaming on people. It's getting hard to get along with him, as I need to take care of his feeling too much. He is quite a bit more emotional than normal guys, and can be as sensitive as a gal. Actually he is a nice guy afterall, at least I think he is trustworthy. Just hope that one day he can live his life easier.

31st is coming very soon! It's Baskin Robbin day again! Me and Beng missed the last two 31st consecutively, we can't afford to miss another one. This time I gonna choose different flavour, and I guess Beng will just stick to his old Chocolate.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Message from CEO...

Welcome everyone to My harbouring grievances. I am pleased to announce that, I, Mr Heaven Knows, have successfully owned 50.1% of this company's share.

The company's short term goal is to attract at least 15 persons a day to log into this website while long term goal is to make profit from customer advertisements.

The company's mission, vission and detailed roadmap will be revised and published to public soon. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

God save me!

I was forced by a bin-tai lou to write this:

Goh Seng Han, a guy that every girl cannot affort to lose, every girl cannot survive without him..

I really don't know what's going on in the current community, the society gradually become more and more unhealthy, and people can just lie with both of their eyes widely opened. Even me... I never lie in my blog, but why I am doing this??

Food when I was young

Just suddenly thought of some interesting way of serving food when I was small. Most of them are no longer being used but I think it will give all of us a nice read.

  • Bread spreaded with thick butter, and then coated with a sufficient layer of fine sugar. Very smart of me, the main purpose of the butter, is to hold the layer of sugar from dirting the floor, and to neutralise the sweetness of the sugar with its saltiness. I thought I invented that actually, though just found out that I am not the only one doing that.

  • Raisins. I will carefully bite off the tip/end of the raisin, and push the flesh out by sliding your teeth on the skin from one end to another. After having the flesh, finish up the skin. So due to this strange way of finish up a raisin, I fancy the green one than the black one cause the skin of the green one can stand my teeth better. Till now, I am still eating that way.

  • I learned to make my own meals when I was in primary school. A bowl of rice, topped with scrumbled eggs (I can make myself at that age), and a few spoonful of Bovril. Mix it well and it's ready to be served. I can never get bored of it. I can't remember since when I stopped eating that way, should be the time when I was so health concious that I started in controlling my carbohidrate intake.

  • My dad likes watermelon. Normally he'll cut the juicy fruit into slices with skin. But I disliked eating that way. I would clear off the skin and chopped the flesh into approx 1.5"*1.5" cubes. Then, they were sealed with polymer wrap and put into the freezer (yes, freezer). Within an hour, a thin layer of ice will be formed on the surface, but the cubes still aren't hard enough to break your teeth. Put it into your mouth, and your body will immediately fill with a sudden rush of chill. I no longer eating that way, due to my laziness.

  • Oh, this one is probably one of my favourite. I can even make my own junk food! In a half cup fulled of Milo, add in a few tablespoon of water. Mix them well and you shall see a thick dark chocolate mixture. Eat just like that. Yea, just like that. That's why I always get heaty when I was young, and my mum never know I ever have such healthy junk food in my life.

  • I had a mango tree in my first house. So basically I get to eat mango all year long. My mum taught me how to serve the semi-riped mango with prawn paste (har-kou in cantonese) till one fine day I couldn't find any prawn paste in the fridge. This ingenious me started to make my own paste, by mixing sufficient amount of thick dark soy sauce with sugar. To me (at that time), they looked quite alike and I thought they should taste alike. I could finish a full bowl of mangoes with this home-made paste without any diffuculties. It must be quite tasty, I can't remember. But I don't really practice this now.

  • I don't like spicy food when I was young. But always triggered by the smell of my mum's curry, I couldn't resist to have a bite. I would run the meat under the running water to wash away the curry before consumption. Again, my mum never know how I used to waste her effort in making those curries.

Perhaps those ordinary stories happened on you too, just hope that you enjoy your childhood as much as I do.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Had been feeling quite grateful lately of what my mother did to me when I was young. No, not something bad. I was instructed to attend uncountable of piano lessons since I was in the age of 7, for 10 years I never failed to visit my piano teacher once in a week. I can't really reminisce when that I started to voluntarily doing my daily practises. But anyhow, the music foundation that was built inside me bit by bit can't be more solid. Today, everything seems to be paid off. If not because of how much I used to be soaked in the pool of classical music, I might not be able to appreciate such beautiful, graceful, melodic and contemplative solo piano music broadcasting in Whisperings Solo Piano Radio. My mind was in such a peaceful state whenever the musics started to flow, even the tedious works in hand became less torturing.

Imagine yourself lying in the scented bath tub with the aromatherapic candles lighted on, turn on this radio, and how far the paradise can be?
You are in it.