Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Work work work

The day started with a miserable meeting with the US engineers. Just happened that the audio conference bridge wasn't working (which is rare) and on and off we were connected, then disconnected, back and forth. After dragging about 40 minutes, 5 of us were finally on the bridge, but I could barely hear the cross-site engineers. That didn't bother me much, as my project lead recorded all the ARs (Action-Requireds) and soon I was flooded with tons of work. I have no time for breakfast, no time to clean my mail box (and mails keep coming in), I haven't write my weekly report, and I was given even more works. I definitely understand that I was not paid to shake my legs and browse the net in the office. But I too miss my old 'profession' as a barista at a renowned coffee place. Reminiscing the days when I can meet all sorts of people behind the till, the exchanging of F&B knowledges over a cup of coffee, the inhale of the first batch of coffee aroma in the Colombia Shuttle, how I wish I can turn back the time. In this half a year time, I finally learnt that I am better in the service profession. The sad thing is, this company isn't paying enough for my qualification, and my mum had been nagging me to find a 'better' job (still depends on how to define the word 'better'), and I finally realised I couldn't hurt my parents that way any longer.
I wish I can be a chef all my life. I love cooking, I love to discuss food with my peers, I go internet (often) to hunt recipes for my own compilation, and I even cut out recipes from the papers and stick on my notebook. I have all the essential elements; passion, enthusiasm, interest.. just lack of a tinge of courage. I mentioned to my mum before, that I wish that I can take F&B as my profession in the future. The response that I got is an unfortunate negative. But do you know that Mother, that's what I am really looking forward?

Went to the nearby petshop with Beng the other day and saw a extremely cute toy poodle pup. 4 months old and extremely quiet for a pup, especially its species. He stared at me a lot and licked my fingers when i reached him (the shop owner warned me not to do that again). Such a cute thing, but I can't afford to bring him back at the moment. I did consider to own him, but I am afraid he will suffer after that cause I don't have much time to take good care of him. It was difficult to say goodbye, he watched me off. When I pass by the petshop everyday on my way back home, I remember his pair of eyes.

Had some arguments with a colleague lately and I think he spends too much of his time complaining and blaming on people. It's getting hard to get along with him, as I need to take care of his feeling too much. He is quite a bit more emotional than normal guys, and can be as sensitive as a gal. Actually he is a nice guy afterall, at least I think he is trustworthy. Just hope that one day he can live his life easier.

31st is coming very soon! It's Baskin Robbin day again! Me and Beng missed the last two 31st consecutively, we can't afford to miss another one. This time I gonna choose different flavour, and I guess Beng will just stick to his old Chocolate.


Anonymous said...

The sad thing is, its not just the parents; Kids nowadays are fed with the idea that their profession must justify the amount they spent on their education. Education is not as much an investment as it is a passage of life. It just like putting a price on that 15 years of life that you have to repay with the rest of your life, suppressing whatever potential a kid has in any other fields.

I think chinese people are more particular about this. Even more sad is that the our culture THRIVES with this kind of mentality.

Fang Fang said...

yupe you are just right. Since young we chinese were influenced by our surroundings that only a few particular professions are accepted as your ambition. Remember what you wrote at the ambition column when you were in the primary? Teacher, lawyer, doctor, scientist, engineer.. those are the well-accepted one. Even among the well-accepted one there are some best-accepted one such as doctor, scientist etc. who wanna be a postman? a taxi-driver? or even a clown?
but in contrary, we will eventually understand the parents' feelings, until one day we ourselves become one. and the cycle will go on and on and on..

hANNiS said...

Yeah...I've just had my ice-cream at Baskin Robbin as well that 31st of March...I bought the medium size one for just one flavor, just purely chocolate, and my girlfriend and I had finished it on our way back to SP. :)

What time you went there? I was looking around, just to see if can meet you. But it's good too as I can save my money. I just promised you to buy you ice-cream ionly f we could meet there on that day, right?

Fang Fang said...

i went there about 8 something after work. i think you purposely went late so that you can save up the treat. that's why you throat is aching, inilah balasannya kakaka.. see you la in the next 31st. i will sit there till you come.