Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Suspicion Is Devil

Sometimes I feel so tired in giving all the explanations. I can't do what I wish to do, and I need to put everyone's feelings in consideration. I don't mind doing that actually, but sometimes when someone is way too sensitive, I feel extremely pressured. The sensitivity will consequently lead to suspicion, which somehow irritate me to a certain extent. I dislike people suspecting me, even after some sincere explainations that seem didn't help much in convincing her/him. I don't lie. I mean sometimes I do lie, but certainly not a harmful one. So what's the point of having the so called "true friendship" when the suspicions keep occuring between you and me? A great friend should perform mutual understanding but not needing you to keep clarifying your actions.

Arghhh.. what the hell is going on? So that's the feedback I get from someone I care so much? Since I get such negative feedback even after I treated this relationship wholeheartedly, there's no point moving on.

1 comment:

Wukaneld said...

I'm sorry but i have little choice...

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